Dev Gutta

Dev Gutta is an experienced journalist, with 10+ years in the news and media industry. He’s passionate about storytelling and has a knack for finding the most interesting stories in the world and telling them in captivating ways. He went to the University of the Philippines and graduated with a degree in Broadcast Communication.

ITC Ruled Philip Morris Not To Sale IQOS In US To Avoid Patent Conflict

The U.S. International Trade Commission ruled on Wednesday that Altria and Philip Morris will not be allowed to import and sell IQOS heated tobacco devices in a patent case brought by rival R.J. Reynolds. Marlboro cigarettes maker Philip Morris developed IQOS as an alternative to cigarettes and they sell it in the U.S. by Altria,

White Neighborhood Has Cleaner Water Than A Black Neighborhood

For many years now, in Flint, Michigan, the town has been battling with terrible water to the point where they do not have running drinkable water.  This issue has not just affected Flint but also the towns, cities,  and neighborhoods surrounding it.  But not all towns, cities, or neighborhoods have been affected.  Bobbie Clay in

Minneapolis Ex-Cops Facing Federal Trial For George Floyd Death-In-Custody Case

Four former Minneapolis police officers including Derek Chauvin appealed to Federal court to be not guilty in George Floyd’s murder-in-custody case in 2020 that they have not violated any civil rights to Mr. Floyd. Tuesday, there was the first motion hearing since these former officers were charged in May with a three-count indictment by the

US Crop Price Hikes Due to Field Burn In Scorching Heat Conditions

US’s vital cash crops are getting blistered away due to the prevailing drought situation, parallelly the prices of common staples including corn and wheat prices are rapidly increasing. The after-effects of the torrid summer were quite clear this month during the Pro Farmer Crop Tour.  It’s an annual event, where the farmers tour along the

Taliban Seize Tons Of Abandoned Mordern US Armours Left By Afghan Forces

Taliban have seized tons of modern arms, armored vehicles, attack aircrafts and other heavy weaponries left by Afghan forces during their surrender aided to their stock by US Army. They are rejoicing occupying abandoned American Army Helicopters carrying M24 Snipper rifles and M18 assault weapons, Humvees and US Military trucks, tanks and artilleries piles up

Japan Anticipates $20 Billion Economic Growth By Hosting Olympics

Japan is going to enjoy $20 Billion economic windfall with a global recognition by organizing Olympics in Tokyo this week amid pandemic. This will bring the host nation an economic recovery from Chinese shadow and a recognition as a strong global force recovering from Tsunami in 2011.   The Olympics open on Friday, in the

Bigger Gains Expected For Lower-wage Earners In Pandemic Faded Economy

The Lower Wage-earners are finally going to witness the benefits of the US’s heating economy and the fading pandemic as hiring in their sectors are increasing with increments and bonus offers. The Labor Department reported new employment opportunities in salons, hotels, stores, restaurants, and parallel other in-person roles comprised more or less of the June

Richard Branson Aims To Travel Space 9 Days Ahead Jeff Bezos

Virgin Groups’ founder Richard Branson, announced on Thursday that he plans to board a flight that launches for space on July 11, deducing there are no technical problems and the weather remains clear. Branson’s company declared on Thursday evening, “Their next test flight will be on July 11, and their Founder will be among the

Blue Origin Sets Eyes On The Modern Era Of Space Tourism

On July 20th, billionaire Jeff Bezos’s space aviation company, Blue Origin, is about to launch its foremost passenger spaceflight. Jeff Bezos himself and three other passengers will be boarding the flight including his brother Mark. Mr. Bezos, aged 57, is going to put a mark in the history with this 64 miles above of the

Trump Lawyers’ Last-Ditch Effort to Fend Off Tax-related Charges

According to reports, lawyers representing the Trump Organization argued that former President Donald Trump’s company is getting inappropriately objectified. On Monday, the final-ditch effort happened to convince the New York prosecutors to let go of the organizations’ tax-related charges. For months, New York Attorney General’s Office and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office are investigating whether

Bitcoin Builds Steam Against Resistance at $40K Ahead of Fed Talk

Bitcoin tested the $40,000 level again Tuesday, just ahead of the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee meeting Wednesday. Altcoins followed, but retraced some of their gains Wednesday, with bitcoin holding steady above $39,000 in the early morning hours Texas Time. Officials for the U.S. central bank are expected to discuss plans today to put the

Social media privacy

Facebook And Google To Lose Billions With Apple’s New Privacy Update

The relation between Facebook and Apple, the two giants, is undergoing big tension due to the major privacy feature that has been rolled out on Monday. Apple announced a new feature to its iPhones and iPads, which will allow iOS users to decide how they want their personal data handled. The latest update allows Apple