
Excessive Desk Work Can Alter Brain Performance

For years, people have linked fatigue and exhaustion with the physical work they do because of the obvious nature of the job. Desk work which mostly involves static body positioning and constant concentration may lead to abnormal brain functioning, a latest study published by The National Center for Biotechnology Information suggests.

Study Shows Melting Glaciers May Cause Pandemics In Future

An interesting development has revealed that the recent and the future like Covid-like pandemics may have a secret hidden in climate change. Viruses in the frozen areas of the Arctic may spill over and get in contact with the population causing worldwide dangerous pandemics.

Talk Therapy May Help In Reducing Dementia And Depression

Dementia is a mental disorder that significantly reduces a person’s memory and affects daily activities of the concerned individual. It is one of the leading causes of death among older people in the United States alone. The latest study suggests that talk therapy can remarkably reduce the risk of depression and anxiety in people with dementia.

New Study Says Physical Exercise Reduces Risk Of Covid

Physical activity is believed to have positive effects for the body specially against covid19. The new study suggests that physical exercise leads to higher cure rates as compared to those who do not involve themselves in physical activities.

New Study Shows Men Age Faster Than Women

Twentieth century saw the greatest gap between men and women with respect to life expectancy and aging. 5 decades ago, women used to live 10 years more as compared to men. A latest study published in The Journals of Gerontology by the University of jyväskylä and University of Helsinki, Finland.

Antibiotics-resistant Superbugs On Rise In India

A 2019 report mentioned that over 1.2 million people died worldwide due to bacteria resistant to drugs that are designed to kill them. India is currently facing the worst pandemic as more and more patients are admitted to the hospitals.

2 Brothers Reveal How Mushroom Cures Alzheimer’s Disease

Two brothers, Chris and Joe Claussen are on a mission to find out the possible cure of Alzheimer through mushrooms. Chris and Joe saw their grandfather and father died because of the same disease. They founded a company, First Person, focusing on supplements that enhance brain functioning.

Scientists Reveal The “Off Button” of Our Immune System

Immune system is the primary defensive mechanism of our body that protects our body. It is a combination of multiple mechanisms at different levels so that our body is protected from external and internal threats. Latest research study reveals the driving force of our entire immune system.