
Study Reveals Keto Diet May Cause Heart Disease

The Keto diet has been considered one of the most important diets for its numerous health benefits. But a new study has revealed that the keto diet may have something to be cautious about. Apart from its benefits, Keto-diet may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease, the study suggests.

Scientists Reveal New Way To Cure Breast Cancer

A research study has revealed a new cure for breast cancer. The study, funded by Breast Cancer Now, focused on a new strategy to deal with the disease that kills 42,000 women each year in the US. It uncovers the reasons for secondary breast cancer, cancer that spreads to other parts of the body and is incurable to this day.

Astonishing Cell Discovery Reveals Protein Map Inside Cell Power House

A recent study has provided new insights into how proteins are arranged in mitochondria, which is considered the “powerhouse of cells” and participates in a range of metabolic and signaling functions within cells. Mitochondria is also responsible for the majority of cell activities apart from energy production.

Scientists Discover Enzyme That Generates Electricity From Air

Scientists have discovered an enzyme that can convert air into electrical energy. This breakthrough in the field of energy generation is crucial as our planet is in dire need of transition. Australian researchers have uncovered an interesting enzyme that captures hydrogen from the air to generate an electrical current. 

Scientists Are Now Using Human Brain To Develop Biocomputers

Scientists are improvising to use the human brain to develop biocomputers. The objective is to use human brains in order to create biological hardware to serve humanity in the long run. With revolutionary advancements in AI, scientists are concerned about the diminishing extraordinary role the human brain can play in storing information and problem-solving.

50% Of World Population To Be Overweight by 2035

More than half of the world’s population will become obese by 2035, a new report by the World Obesity Federation claimed. A report looking over the economic impact of obesity argued that by 2035, our world will have more than 50% of the population classified as obese. The alarming number of obese people coupled with the rising population will have disastrous consequences if not controlled.

Why You Must Include Olive Oil In Your Diet

Olive oil comes with hundreds of health benefits because of its high antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties. This wonderful liquid always has to be the number one advice the health instructors would give to anyone looking to get on track with their health. Here is why everyone must include olive oil in their diet.

New Research Links Lack Of Sleep With Heart Attacks

Recent research has revealed that those who sleep less can have a high risk of heart attacks in the future. The study also emphasizes the role of sleep and how it prevents heart-related issues. Those with insomnia were 69% more prone to heart attacks, according to the study.

Study Discovers Link Between Obesity And Alzheimers

New research has uncovered a correlation between obesity and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers from the Canadian university of McGill found out that obesity degenerates the brain the same as Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists scanned and compared the brains of 1,300 people showing the same level of shrinkage. 

Will Bird Flu Be The Next Human Pandemic?

Bird flue has been increasing its foothold in the US, Asia, Latin America, and Europe. The US reported more than hundreds of millions of cases in poultry costing the US government around $660 million. The virus has already spread to other mammals such as bears and red foxes in the US.

5 Common Fitness Myths Holding You Back

Achieving fitness goals can become an impossible task to achieve when we are constantly bombarded with misinformation on the internet. There are hundreds of commonly believed myths that restrict our access to fitness objectives. Here are 5 common myths holding you back from achieving your goals.

Drones Set To Deliver Medical Supplies In UK

What seems to be a revolution in the field of health service, the NHS trust has started delivering medical supplies between hospitals. The innovative project is still under trial but most of the officials are optimistic about its success. The trial will take place at Wansbeck General Hospital, in Ashington, Berwick Infirmary, and Alnwick Infirmary.