
Cancer Cells Can Become Immortal

Normal cells grow to a certain limit and stop and that’s it. They stop growing when they reach a certain limit. But cancer cells are known for their replicating capabilities. Cancer cells are known to be “immortal”. A new study by University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences department, reveals the reason for their immortality. This new research sheds light on how a mutated gene plays the “behind the scenes” role. 

Scientists Claim Running Reduces Risk Of Cancer By 72%

Physical activities have always been central to living a healthy life. New research published in Europe PMC journal has revealed that running can significantly reduce chances of some cancers. Running or any sort of aerobic activity decreases risk of certain cancers by 72%, according to the Israeli scientists.

Study Suggests Vitamin D Deficiency Can Cause Early Death

New research has suggested that lack of vitamin D can lead to early death. Vitamin D is responsible for calcium, phosphate regulation in the body that keep our bones and muscles healthy. People with regular exposure to sun, which is the easiest source of vitamin D, have lower risk of dying earlier than those with low exposure to sun.

China: Schools Closed As Covid Increased In Key Province

The covid virus has once again resurfaced in an important Chinese province. The province of Guangdong is a south-eastern province located at the coasts of China. The surge in the covid cases have caused fear among the citizens and the authorities as the virus may have modified itself and caused more damage.

Lifespan Is Correlated With Lung Capacity

Throughout our entire life, we’ve heard that breathing is just about inhaling the oxygen in and exhaling the carbon dioxide out. But it’s more than that, a recent research suggests. Breathing can have a significant positive impact on our brain, emotions and how we process different thoughts. 

Having More Babies Can Decrease Risk Of Uterine Cancer

The latest research in Australia has revealed that having more babies can lower the risk of a cancer known as Uterine Cancer or endometrial cancer. A type of cancer that begins in the cells present in the side layers of the uterus.

Monkeypox Cases Rises To 1,444 In Canada

Canada has confirmed that the monkeypox cases in the country have risen to 1444 including. Monkeypox is still threatening the majority of the countries in the world, with more than 109 countries reporting the virus. Monkeypox virus has been quite low in Canada in the recent weeks with only 9 reported cases in the past week.

Does Chewing Gum Boosts Oral Health?

Chewing gum is central to any talk which involves dental or oral health. It’s because of the frequent use of it in the general public. While it can lessen your stress levels, there are other dimensions to the frequent use of chewing gum.

India: Delhi Schools Closed As Air Pollution Threatens Health

The nightmare for the residents of the world’s most polluted capital has appeared once again. Delhi is home to 20 million residents at the moment. The entire population is literally inhaling hazardous air into their lungs. The authorities have also notified the primary schools to shut from Saturday.

How Does China’s Zero Covid Policy Work?

Covid confronted our planet to a new reality for the past 3 years. Corona virus which emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan gripped the world’s biggest economies 3 years ago. China is still pursuing its strict covid policy which has been largely criticized for its economic dimension.

Study Shows Antidepressants Can Damage Mental Health

A latest study reveals that antidepressant medications can alter the structure of the human brain. It has discovered that the medications aimed at developing human mental health can have adverse effects on the Gray and White matter inside the brain.