iPhone Calling 911 While People Are Riding Rollercoasters
When Apple released it’s iPhone 14 with a new crash detection feature, they didn’t plan on it being detected and calling 911 while people were on rollercoasters.
When Apple released it’s iPhone 14 with a new crash detection feature, they didn’t plan on it being detected and calling 911 while people were on rollercoasters.
On Thursday, Google held its fall hardware event where it launched its new phones and watches. This is Google’s first smartwatch launch.
On September 7th, Apple had its biggest event of the year. But Apple is not done yet. In October, Apple will host another event to release more hardware and software for their lineup of phones and computers.
It didn’t take long for Android to copy the iPhone’s hottest feature of the year, Dynamic Island. A new copycat released on the Google Play store allows Android users to have a similar Dynamic Island feature as the iPhone.
Like every year, Apple will host its event to release its new iPhone and other devices on September 7, 2022.
For the first time ever, more iPhones are being sold and more Americans own an iPhone than any other type of phone.
Apple will host its typical event on the new iPhone and the software update on September 7, 2022. This is where Apple every year announces its new lineup of phones and new features the software will be capable of.
When Apple Pay first came out in 2014, it wasn’t popular and major retail stores said they would never adopt this style of payment. Eight years later, many people and stores claim that they cannot live without it and are waiting to see what Apple does next.
Road trips have become so easier because of Google Maps and Apple Maps guiding us at every turn and stop signs using locations on our smartphones. But these same precise locations are also given to other apps like Instagram and they can see exactly where a person is at a given time.
It is often said that three ‘Apple(s)’ changed the history of the world. One that Adam ate, the second that fell on Newton, and the third, the Apple company, which was invented by Steve Jobs. Though we cannot say much about the authenticity of the first and second events, we are as sure as possible about AAPL and its products changing our lives. People use Apple products and especially the iPhone because they are way more powerful and easier to use than their competitors. So today we brought you 6 hidden iPhone tricks that are going to further make your lives easier than before.
Apple releases its major iOS update like clockwork in September of every year with the release of the new iPhone. Last month we told you everything you need to know about the coming iPhone 14 lineup, now we gathered all the information about the iOS 16 to let you meet all the new features that are coming to your phone.
Redecorating a room is a big commitment, but one of the more intriguing uses for augmented reality is letting users preview new furniture pieces in a space. Thanks to a new feature Apple introduced to developers last month, you won’t have to move a single item before dropping a new virtual couch or coffee table into your real-world space.