When Apple released it’s iPhone 14 with a new crash detection feature, they didn’t plan on it being detected and calling 911 while people were on rollercoasters.
Apple Crash Detection On iPhone
This new feature that Apple introduced a little over a month ago is supposed to detect if a person has been in a crash and contact emergency services automatically.
This feature is only available on iPhone 14 and Pro models and on Apple Watch Ultra, Series 8, and SE models.
iPhone Accidently Detecting Crash On Rollercoasters
A 109-foot-tall roller coaster named Mystic Timbers is located at Kings Island amusement park in Ohio. Sara White, a 39-year-old dentist, stated that when she rode the ride, her iPhone 14 Pro immediately contacted 911. At one point during the ride, she was traveling at 53 miles per hour.
iPhone 14 and Apple Watches are mistakenly thinking that roller coaster rides are crashes.