Climate Change

UN Chief Says World Is Not Warming, Its ‘Boiling’

Scientists are certainly convinced that July is the hottest month in the last 120,000 years, thanks to ever increasing temperatures. The UN chief ‘s shocking statement that the world is literally boiling also presents a bleak picture of the future ahead if things keep rolling out of control.

Startup Seeks To Revolutionize Trees To Capture More CO2

A US based technology startup is genetically engineering trees to capture more carbon dioxide and live longer than traditional trees. The U.S. climate technology startup Living Carbon is producing trees that can absorb 53% more biomass with more efficient photosynthesis.

Scientists Register World’s Hottest Day Ever Recorded

As the planet has been warming more and more, scientific data revealed that last Monday, 3 June, was the hottest day ever recorded on earth.  The US National Centers for Environmental Prediction claimed to have recorded the hottest day as global average temperature skyrocketed to an all-time high mark of 17.01C.

Climate Activist Jailed For 10 Years For Fake Letter

A climate activist named Rosemary Penwarden was jailed for 10 years after being found guilty of sending a fake letter to speakers of an oil industry conference. Penwarden said the letter was nothing but an attempt to draw the attention of oil industry officials towards the climate crisis threatening humanity.

Brutal Heat Waves Blamed For 13 Deaths in Texas

Some of the major cities in the Southeast US have come under severe heat waves in recent days with some places recording 115 degrees. At least 13 deaths were reported in Texas and Louisiana due to extreme heat waves, according to the authorities.

Geologists Are Now Using AI To Predict Landslides

Landslides have caused extensive damage to both human lives and infrastructure across the globe and the issue has further accelerated due to climate change. As times change and new problems emerge, scientists are equipping themselves with state-of-the-art technologies to deal with all of them. Geologists are now able to predict landslides with greater accuracy by using AI-based machine learning techniques.

Beijing Records Hottest June Day in 60 Years

Heatwaves have become more and more frequent in the last few years, thanks to the increasing global temperatures. Chinese capital Beijing recorded the hottest day in the last 60 years with mercury hitting 41.1C (105.9F).

Scientists Expects 75% Loss in Himalayan Glaciers By 2100

The increasing temperatures around the globe have been ringing the alarm for an extremely dangerous future for inhabitants of earth. According to a recent study comprising of international scientists, Glaciers in Asia’s Hindu Kush Himalaya are expected to lose 75% of its ice by the end of this century.

Scientists Began Warning About Climate Change 200 Years Ago

Most of us think that Climate change has just been around for not more than 20 years, which is far from reality. Early scientists have also been warning about the bad impact fossil fuels had on the environment. Scientists in the mid 1900s warned about the intense heat absorptive capacity of carbon dioxide, the primary cause of today’s climate crisis.

Schools Shut Down in Multiple US Cities Due to Heat

Teachers and students in several US cities couldn’t attend school classes due to extreme temperatures. Temperatures across Grand Rapids, Detroit and Michigan were noted above 90s and thousands of students were shifted to remote learning from homes as city administrations feared health crisis.