Wildfires Burn 77,000 Acres in California, Spreading To Nevada

Huge wildfires have burned down 77,000 acres of land and have already spread into Nevada. The fires considered California’s largest fire in 2023 have gone completely out of control. The fire started on Friday in California’s Mojave national preserve due to extreme temperatures coupled with rapid growth of underbrush due to heavy rains this year, authorities said.

The York Fire

The firefighters have not been able to control the fire which has burned more than 300 square kilometers of area. The fire has been dubbed as the ‘York Fire’ as the public has never seen such blazes. The blazes have become more dangerous with high winds, which have raised the height of flames to 6 meters in some places, the park service wrote.

People Not Evacuated

The authorities have not yet issued evacuation alerts as the fire is burning in remote regions. Extreme temperatures this year have caused massive wildfires including dozens of deaths in the US with no end in sight yet.

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