
Mars Holds The Secret If Humans Are Alone In Universe

This question is the most mysterious billion-dollar question. Humans have so far looked into the length and breadth of the universe and still couldn’t come up with a sufficient answer to the question. The question still remains a mystery, but one shouldn’t shy away from probing more.

Study Shows Melting Glaciers May Cause Pandemics In Future

An interesting development has revealed that the recent and the future like Covid-like pandemics may have a secret hidden in climate change. Viruses in the frozen areas of the Arctic may spill over and get in contact with the population causing worldwide dangerous pandemics.

Ancient Life Destroyed Mars

According to a new study, published in the Nature Astronomy this week stated that ancient life on Mars destroyed the planet. 

Huge Ocean Beneath The Earth’s Surface Discovered By Scientists

Scientists have been able to discover an ocean inside the earth’s surface. The ocean is believed to be 3 times bigger than the entire World’s oceans. The German’s famous Institute for Geosciences at Goethe University in Frankfurt investigated a diamond “formed 660 meters below the Earth’s surface.