Rare Green Comet To Pass By Earth After 50,000 Years

A rare green comet that has been moving around in our solar system will pass by our earth tonight. The green comet will pass after 50,000 years, according to NASA. Tonight, it’ll make its closest approach to our planet and will be visible to the general public.

How Close Is It?

The closest it’ll get is around 26 million miles from our earth. In March of last year, it was reported to be in Jupiter’s orbit and since then it has increased in brightness, according to EarthSky. The green comet is currently racing inside our solar system at a speed of 128,500 mph, the astronomers said. Earth’s inhabitants will not be able to see the green comet for millions of years after tonight’s sighting. 

How To See a Green Comet?

Seeing this marvellous creature is not that difficult either. People are advised to use binoculars on a clear night. People looking at it from polluted cities may find it hard to see, a remote location is more preferable. Earth’s inhabitants will not be able to see the green comet for millions of years after tonight’s sighting. NASA has also planned to observe the green comet with James Webb Space Telescope to investigate more about the formation of the universe.

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