
Lung Cancer Rates Increasing Due To Air Pollution

‘‘Smoking causes lung cancer’’, words we’ve been hearing for decades but researcher Prof Charles Swanton adds in something more interesting, ‘‘Polluted air is no less harmful than smoking’’. Charles Swanton who studies the evolution of cancer in bodies has revealed in his research how air pollution can lead to lung cancer, something we only have associated with smoking.

This New Pill Keeps You Looking & Feeling Younger

Researchers are working on a new anti-aging pill that will keep you from aging making you look young as well as keeping you healthy. This drug called Rapamycin is showing positive results on life and health span in test studies.

Everything You Need To Know About “The Tomato Flu”

A new virus called the Tomato Flu has infected 82 children between the ages of one and five since July 26th of this year in India. The virus first appeared in Kerala, a state in southern India, and has now spread to two other areas.