Scientists Say Drinking 2 Cup Of Coffee Per Day Helps You Live Longer

According to research published today in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, drinking two to three cups of coffee per day is associated with a longer lifespan and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

This applies to ground, instant, and decaffeinated coffee.

At baseline, none of the 449,563 participants in the research had any arrhythmias or other cardiovascular diseases. There were 55.3% women and a median age of 58.

Participants responded to questions about their daily coffee consumption and their preference for an instant, ground (such as cappuccino or filtered coffee), or decaffeinated coffee. After that, they were divided into six categories based on daily intake: none, less than one, one, two to three, four to five, and more than five cups.

27,809 individuals in total (6.2%) passed away while being followed up. Coffee of all varieties has been associated with a decrease in deaths all kinds.

For decaffeinated, ground, and instant preparations, respectively, the highest risk decrease was linked with a 14%, 27%, and 11% lower likelihood of death when compared to no coffee consumption.

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