Ali Nawaz Khan

Ali is a business new writer that loves to write about companies that are changing the world one day at a time.

Andrew Starting $100M Charity For Falsely Accused Men

Andrew Tate, self-described misogynist, has vowed to establish a charity aiming to help men who are falsely accused. The social media influencer posted on twitter that will set up a $100 million charity for the vulnerable men facing false accusations.

King Charles Will Not Feature On Australian $5 Note

In an effort to honor the history of the first Australians, the reserve bank has removed the portrait picture of King Charles from the $5 note. The reserve bank of Australia said that the note will be redesigned after consultations with the Federal government.

London-Sized Glacier Breaks Off In Antarctica

An iceberg broke off from Antarctica last Sunday, researchers said. A massive iceberg, nearly the size of Greater London, separated from the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica. Researchers first noticed significant fractures in the ice shelf a decade ago, but in recent years, there have been two significant separations.

Netflix Plans To Charge Extra For Password Sharing

Netflix is planning to charge money for password sharing by the April of this year. A report recently released mentioned that the streaming giant is likely to announce password sharing rules in the coming few months. 

New App Improves Memory Recall For Alzheimer Patients

The experts in memory and neuroscience have developed an application that can enhance memory recall. The application is guided by neuroscience and is based on real brain functions that help in memory recall. It mimics a specific part of the human brain responsible for recording and preserving memories.

Scientists Invent New Way to Refrigerate Things

Scientist at Berkeley Lab have invented an entirely new way to refrigerate and cool things down. It’s called “Isocaloric Cooling”. This is when a material can expand and shrink without the use of electricity by applying pressure. How Isocaloric Cooling Works? Imagine you have a special material that can change shape when it gets hot,It

Earth’s Ozone Layer Could Recover by 2066

A report by the United Nations has revealed that the depleted ozone layer will recover in 43 years. The Earth’s ozone layer, which protects out earth from UV radiations, is recovering at a rate that will close the hole above Antarctica in 43 years, a UN study conducted every four years mentioned. The scientific assessment has shown optimism in the recovery and full healing of the Earth’s protective layer.

83% Of World’s Glacier Is About To Vanish

Our planet’s temperature is increasing at an alarming rate. Forests are shrinking, floods are getting frequent, animals are getting extinct, and the glaciers are vanishing day by day. A latest report has revealed shocking figures as it claims that 83% or two-third of the world’s glaciers are projected to disappear from the surface by the end of this century.

Putin Imprisoned Russian Soldiers Refusing To Fight

A common man can’t  comprehend the devastation Russia has been facing by the hands of Ukrainian forces. Putin has been consistently bombing the energy infrastructure to subjugate the Ukrainians, but everything is firing back. Now Putin is putting his own soldiers behind bars, who are refusing to fight for him.

Scientist Proposes Plan To Grow Forests On Mars

Mars or “The Red Planet” has always caught the attention of space explorers. Humans have been thinking of colonizing and building permanent settlements on Mars for decades. The crucial part comes when the Martian surface emerges as a topic of discussion. The planet is barren and inhospitable due to its climate, but the new research outlines a plan to build forests on Mars.

China Calls For Oil Trade In Yuan Currency At Gulf Summit

Chinese president, Xi Jinping, is on a 3-day visit to the Middle East which is the first visit since 2016. During Xi’s visit, he called upon its Arab friends that China seeks to purchase oil and gas in yuan, a move that would help Beijing’s goal of internationalizing its currency and decrease the influence of the U.S. dollar on global trade.