
Israeli Scientists Discover 12,000-Year-Old Bird Bone Flutes

Researchers from Israel have unearthed tiny little bones in northern Israel. The tiny bones were observed to have holes inside them and were identified as flutes used by prehistoric humans for multiple purposes. The sound it produced mimicked birds and were used to scare large aquatic birds, researchers said.

Car Crashes In Canada Kills More Police Officers Than Guns

A new report from the University of Ottawa researchers have revealed that Police officers in Canada are more likely to die from car crashes as compared to shooting incidents. Car crashes were the leading cause of death among officers on duty, the researchers said.

Researchers Say Air Pollution Causes Depression In Adults

Researchers have been increasingly focusing on the adverse effects of air pollution to human cognition and overall brain. A latest study has unearthed a link between air pollution and depression in the adult population. 1.5 million out of total 8.9 million participants were diagnosed with depression, the study mentioned.

Research Shows Moon Dust Can Reduce Global Warming

Global warming has increasingly become realized to be a global issue in the last few decades. Different mechanisms have been developed to counter the phenomenon. An interesting new study found that global warming can be reduced by firing moon dust into space. The moon dust could solve the problem of continuous temperature rise.

Research Shows Science Behind Cravings For Junk Food

The latest scientific research has revealed the logic behind junk food cravings. It explains how high flavourful foods encourage more calorie consumption. The research was published in the Nature journal. Research from the same institute mentioned that people consuming ultra-processed diets tended to eat 500 extra calories.

Air Pollution Can Change Brain Structure In Just 2 Hours

A research study revealed that air pollution, especially car fumes can significantly change brain structure. An exposure of just 2 hours can reduce the portion of the brain responsible for internal thought processes and memory, the study finds. Brain imaging was conducted prior and the exposure to air pollution showed decreased brain connectivity, as seen in the scans taken after.