
This New Pill Keeps You Looking & Feeling Younger

Researchers are working on a new anti-aging pill that will keep you from aging making you look young as well as keeping you healthy. This drug called Rapamycin is showing positive results on life and health span in test studies.

Ice Melting Faster Than Expected In Greenland Due To Climate Change

A latest study in the Leading scientific journal, Nature, has published a report saying that Greenland Ice sheets are melting at a faster rate than ever. The report shows a horrible reality that the world is yet to see in the near future. The Greenland Ice sheets are going to melt at a much faster rate even if humans stop burning fossil fuels. Sea level can rise up to 27 cm which will have devastating consequences for billions of people living around coastal areas.

44 Countries & 7 Billion To Face Intense Water Shortage By 2040

The consequences of Climate Change are slowly trying to materialize in already fragile world with social inequalities, poverty and wars. With extreme heat waves, rising sea level and unsustainable use of fossil fuels, Planet earth is believed to have been facing the worst climate crisis that can lead to extinction or even nuclear wars in the near future. Earlier this year, Pakistan, India, Europe, China, Africa and the United States faced extreme heat waves across major parts of the countries leading to wildfires and billions of losses in economic activity.

Cell’s Nucleus Behavior Can Help Treat Cancer

A research-intensive University of Texas, TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY, study shows that the cell nucleus is more like a drop of liquid rather than a rubber ball, which was previously thought. It was believed in the past that the cell’s nucleus was elastic like a rubber ball, changing its shape regularly and going back to its original shape as the cell navigated through tiny little pores inside the human body.

5.9 Trillions Tonnes Of Ice Lost Due To Climate Change In 25 Years

Most scientists had once assumed that the massive Ice sheets of Antarctica were largely invulnerable to climate change, but not any more. During the past 25 years, the East Antarctic Ice Sheet has contributed significantly to rising sea levels, mainly caused by climate change. It is estimated if, due to some reason, the Eastern two-thirds of the ice sheet melted, the sea would rise by 52 meters.

‘Megafloods’ could destroy California, Experts warn

Wildfires, extreme drought and earthquakes, due to climate change, may be the main concern for the Western Europe right now. But experts warn that a catastrophe is materializing in California, “Megafloods”. Extreme floods may submerge the largest subnational economy, displace millions of people across the state and will be the most expensive natural disaster in the history, according to a latest study.

Don’t Miss The Last Supermoon Of The Year

This Thursday, August 11, 2022, will see the final supermoon of the year. August’s full moon, also known as the “Sturgeon Moon,” peaks on Thursday at 9:36 p.m. EDT (0:136 a.m. GMT on Friday), however, it will also be bright and full on Wednesday and Friday nights (August 10 and Aug. 12).