Study Shows Traffic Noise Is Dangerous For Heart Health

A new scientific study has found that traffic is linked to increased risks of hypertension and heart diseases. Researchers accumulated data from over 240,000 participants aged 40-69-years-old, and concluded that traffic noise coupled with air pollution can significantly increase risk of heart failures and other complications.

Traffic Or Air Pollution

The recent study was pretty clear in showing the relationships between traffic and increased blood pressure while previous researchers couldn’t evaluate whether it was the traffic or the air pollution that spiked the blood pressure. Both of the factors, the traffic noise and pollution, co-exist around us,  senior author Kazem Rahimi said.

50% Americans Suffer From Hypertension

According to, more than 50% of the young American population suffer from hypertension, mostly due to increased air pollution and financial problems. The WHO reported that untreated hypertension can lead to Angina, heart problems or even sudden death, even in young Americans. The study further clarifies the other dimensions of heart related problems, if treated, can significantly decrease the burden on health care facilities. 

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