Study Says AI Can Identify Alzheimer’s Through Speech

AI has been gradually integrated in every field of science, particularly in the medical field where scientists are using it to know malfunctions before it even occurs. According to the latest research, medical professionals are testing AI to identify signs of Alzheimer’s through speech patterns that are not recognized by family members or even physicians.

The Study

Dr. Ihab Hajjar, a researcher and Professor of Neurology at the UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, was the leading author of the study. He concluded that by using advanced machine learning and language processing tools, the research team was able to detect Alzheimer’s disease status through comparison of speech analytics with the MRI scans.

Previous Procedures Took Hours

By using the AI techniques, the researchers were able to record voices of patients within 10 minutes, which previously took hours. Dr.Hajjar said that Artificial Intelligence can detect a variety of features at once and give a comprehensive picture of the status of potential patients.

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