
9 Million In England Expected To Have Dementia & Cancer By 2040

According to a report by the Health Foundation, there will be a 9 million people with conditions like cancer, diabetes, and kidney disease in England by 2040. The rise is estimated to reach 2.5 million, representing a shocking 37% increase when compared to the data from 2019.

Surgery Linked Fungal Outbreak Reported In US & Mexico

Authorities in the US and Mexico have urged the World Health Organization to declare a health emergency over fungal meningitis outbreak. The health authorities have warned about the potential outbreak as they have been monitoring around 400 people in both the countries.

Study Says AI Can Predict Pancreatic Cancer 3 Year Ahead

Scientists have been able to predict one of the most aggressive types of cancers by using AI tools. In an article published in Nature Medicine, researchers applied AI tools to worldwide cancer cases and were able to detect those at risk of pancreatic cancer in the future.

Loneliness Is More Dangerous Than Smoking, Expert Says

Top US health official has said that the US has an epidemic of loneliness which needs proper focus from the authorities. Vivek Hallegere Murthy, an American physician termed the issue a health crisis which is more dangerous than smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Researchers Uncover Simple Test To Predict Future Memory Loss

Researchers from Albert Einstein College of Medicine have uncovered an interesting and simple test to predict risk of future memory problems. According to this fascinating study, those who are willing to predict whether or not they will suffer from memory loss in future, can now predict it by going through a simple test. Researchers studied 1,000 individuals with an average age of 69 without reported memory loss issues in the past.

New Electric Method Can Heal Wounds 3X Faster, Study Says

This may sound shocking, but scientists have developed a method that can speed up the healing of wounds three times faster when stimulated with electric current. Researchers at Chalmers and the University of Freiburg have developed an astonishing method that can treat wounds much faster, with far greater efficiency.

Scientists Are Engineering bacteria To Fight Cancer

Scientists are coming up with innovative techniques to use conventionally bad organisms to treat cancers. The aim is to engineer the genomes of bacteria in such a way to cure or treat cancers. If successful, the new way will have an enormous amount of resources in the form of bacteria on our skins, and the outcome is expected to eradicate cancer diseases.

Study Says AI Can Identify Alzheimer’s Through Speech

AI has been gradually integrated in every field of science, particularly in the medical field where scientists are using it to know malfunctions before it even occurs. According to the latest research, medical professionals are testing AI to identify signs of Alzheimer’s through speech patterns that are not recognized by family members or even physicians.

UK Develops Genetic Technology To Prevent Future Pandemics

Genetic mutations in the DNA of viruses still pose grave danger to human survival on our planet. Vaccines and other conventional ways of dealing with viruses cease to work against ever changing viruses with varying DNAs. British researchers are working to develop game-changing technology that can predict Pandemic threats posed by evolving respiratory viruses.

Nutrition Expert Suggests Healthier Fast Food

A healthier fast food? We have never heard of it in our lives but Luanne Hughes, a professor and nutritionist, has a unique way of looking at it. Professor Hughes disagrees with the conventional wisdom that fast foods are a set of foods that must be avoided, but rather a mindset. It’s the mindset that makes the food healthy or unhealthy.

Study Shows Traffic Noise Is Dangerous For Heart Health

A new scientific study has found that traffic is linked to increased risks of hypertension and heart diseases. Researchers accumulated data from over 240,000 participants aged 40-69-years-old and concluded that traffic noise coupled with air pollution can significantly increase risk of heart failures and other complications.

Expert Cautions Why You Shouldn’t Sit With Your Legs Crossed

We may not have noticed because of the comfort, but sitting crossed legs can have hidden consequences. Researchers from two South Korean universities concluded that sitting crossed legs can cause blood flow restriction, misalignment of the spine and shoulders.