Study Says AI Can Predict Pancreatic Cancer 3 Year Ahead

Scientists have been able to predict one of the most aggressive types of cancers by using AI tools. In an article published in Nature Medicine, researchers applied AI tools to worldwide cancer cases and were able to detect those at risk of pancreatic cancer in the future.

Scientists Applied AI to 9 Million Cases

The team of researchers  used an AI algorithm to analyze clinical information from a combined pool of 9 million patients, between 1977 and 2018, from Denmark and the United States. The research was conducted by a team of researchers from Harvard Medical School and the University of Copenhagen, working alongside VA Boston Healthcare System, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

AI Attempts To Capture Signals

Researchers said that AI’s predictions are reasonably accurate as it captures signals from the human body that normally goes undetected. Pancreatic cancer has been really hard to detect until it takes hold and becomes incurable, researcher Chris Sander said. AI can play an astonishing role if it is trained on data which is reliable and localized, the study mentioned.

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