Dev Gutta

Dev Gutta is an experienced journalist, with 10+ years in the news and media industry. He’s passionate about storytelling and has a knack for finding the most interesting stories in the world and telling them in captivating ways. He went to the University of the Philippines and graduated with a degree in Broadcast Communication.

Meta Warns To Remove Facebook News Content From US

The parent company of Facebook, Meta, has threatened to suspend news on the platform. It opposes the latest proposed legislation known as “Journalism Competition and Preservation Act” that would give media organizations more negotiating power when setting prices for Facebook-shared material.

NASA Telescope Reveals No Sign Of Life On Venus

Scientists are interested in the possibility of life on Venus because of Venus’ proximity and similarities with Earth. During recent examinations of Venus’ atmosphere, an aircraft-borne telescope was unable to detect any indications of any biological activity. Due to Venus’s total cloud cover, human understanding of its surface is mostly based on speculations.

Ex-NASA Scientist Drops An Egg From Space Without Breaking

Eggs are pretty easily smashed as their hard covers offer little protection when there is strong force. It is because the egg cover is not made for such potency. How about dropping an egg from first floor of a building? It’ll obviously break because of the amount of force involved.

China Reveals First Ever Hard X-ray Photo Of The Sun

The Chinese Academy of Sciences recently published an image of the sun in a unique fashion. There has never been such imaging of the sun before this. It released a very interesting Hard X-ray Image of the biggest star of our solar system. The instrument used is called HXI or Hard X-ray Imager.

Store Manager Kills 7 In Virginia Walmart Supermarket

Seven were killed and several injured after a gunman started shooting randomly in Walmart supermarket in Chesapeake. The incident added yet another horror to a list of horrors in 2022. The motives behind the attack are not yet clear, according to the Police.

US Nuclear Chief Warns About China’s Nuclear Weapons Program

China is developing its nuclear weapons at a faster rate than the US, according to the recent statement by The Commander of US Strategic Command. The development is dangerous amid an intense security competition between China and the US over Taiwan. Charles Richard called it a “near-term problem,” as China continues to threaten regional security.

Cannabis Use Increases Pain After Surgery

For many years now, supporters of cannabis have been trying to lobby for the use of it for pain medicine. But a new study states that cannabis use actually increases pain after surgery and can lead to more opioid use.

Talk Therapy May Help In Reducing Dementia And Depression

Dementia is a mental disorder that significantly reduces a person’s memory and affects daily activities of the concerned individual. It is one of the leading causes of death among older people in the United States alone. The latest study suggests that talk therapy can remarkably reduce the risk of depression and anxiety in people with dementia.

Airlines Now Have To Be More Transparent About Additional Fees

On Monday, President Joe Biden is anticipated to reveal a new proposed regulation that would require travel agencies and airlines to be more open about any additional fees that customers could be charged, such as for the luggage, ticket changes, or cancellations.