World Leaders Arrive In Egypt For Climate Conference

World leaders have arrived in Egypt for the 27th conference of world leaders. More than 120 world leaders including Britain’s new prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the US president, Joe Biden, are expected to attend the conference being held at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. In 2022, the world saw devastating environmental changes all across the globe which makes the ongoing conference more important than anything else.

Rishi Sunak Could Be The Next Prime Minister

After Boris Johnson abruptly withdrew from the campaign to head the Conservative Party, Rishi Sunak, a former finance minister of Britain, has emerged as the front-runner to become the nation’s next prime minister.

Liz Truss Resigns: Who Will Be UK’s Next Prime Minister

The UK is going to elect its new Prime Minister within a week after Liz Truss’s resignation. Truss resigned last night after holding office for a month and a half only. Truss came under heavy fire after being accused of mishandling economy. Now all eyes are on the next Prime Minister that is going to recover the highly exhausted economy.

Data Reveals 5,000 ‘Empty Flights’ In UK Since 2019

Leading British News agency ‘The Guardian’ reveals that 5,000 completely empty flights have flown in and from the UK since 2019. The shocking numbers raised concerns with regards to the gasses harmful to environment flights emit in a single flight. The data further revealed that 35,000 flights, with less than 10% seats filled, operated in the last 3 years.