Data Reveals 5,000 ‘Empty Flights’ In UK Since 2019

Leading British News agency ‘The Guardian’ reveals that 5,000 completely empty flights have flown in and from the UK since 2019. The shocking numbers raised concerns with regards to the gasses harmful to the environment flights emit in a single flight. The data further revealed that 35,000 flights, with less than 10% seats filled, operated in the last 3 years.

Reasons Not Clear Enough

The reason behind the ghost flights still remains unclear to the concerned authorities. The data has not been properly revealed by the airliners. Some airliners argue that covid 19 may have been the reason for the ghost flights since 2019, as the world faced a major challenge completely disrupting global travel. ‘‘We need more transparency to understand why these inefficient, polluting practices continue,’’ argued Tim Johnson at the Aviation Environment Federation. 

Waste Of Money And Climate Change

Several groups have condemned the act as avoidable as it wastes money and warms the environment causing climate change more damaging. ‘‘It makes a mockery of people’s efforts to reduce their own emissions,’’ Anna Hughes, a climatologist who studies glaciers, said.

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