Research Show Sugary Drinks Cause Male Hair Loss
According to the new research, men who consume more sugary drinks are more likely to lose their hair gradually. The study specifically focused on Young Male Pattern Hair Loss.
According to the new research, men who consume more sugary drinks are more likely to lose their hair gradually. The study specifically focused on Young Male Pattern Hair Loss.
Covid-19 can linger in the human brain and other body parts, for months. The autopsy of the brains of those who died from the virus showed signs of prolonged covid. Previously it was not known whether the virus can infect other parts of the human body. The new study was conducted between April 2020 to March 2021.
Intermittent fasting has been promoted as a weight loss tool where an individual avoids consuming anything in the first eight hours of the day. It necessarily comes with skipping the most important meal of the day, breakfast. The new study shows that intermittent fasting is far from safe and can have serious disordered eating behaviours.
England is set to eliminate hepatitis C by 2025. According to the National Health Service, the virus will be wiped out from its territories in just 3 years. Deaths have decreased drastically by 35% in the last 6 years in the country.
The Covid is almost over with some exceptions in China where it still persists. One of the things it brought was the loss of taste. Millions suffered the phenomenon across the globe. The loss of taste was and is still so fundamental to covid, such that it was the first thing a doctor or health expert would look for in an individual. A Danish study reveals that Chilli can help recover the sense of taste in such cases.
Parkinson’s disease affects the neurological system and the areas of the body that are regulated by the nerves. It is the second most prevalent neurological disease in the US, after Alzheimer’s disease. A recent report revealed a shocking 50% increase in the actual figures of Parkinson’s disease in the country. Previous records show that 60,000 patients of the disease were treated annually, the figures are contradicted by the latest report.
A new law was recently passed by New Zealand to phase out tobacco use in the country on Tuesday, prohibiting young people from ever purchasing cigarettes. Health officials expect that smoking will vanish soon due to the recent legislation. By 2025, the government intends to make New Zealand a smoke-free country.
Amid growing number of sexually transmitted diseases, French president, Emmanuel Macron, has announced to provide free condoms to its citizens. People can collect them from any pharmacy around the country, according to the latest announcement on Thursday. Last year, the French government also announced that all women under 26, can have free access to birth control.
Ecstasy is a synthetic substance popularly referred to as “Molly” and noted for its stimulant and hallucinogenic properties. Increased energy, pleasure, emotional warmth, and skewed time and sensory perception are among notable side effects. Here is the story of a man, Mr. A, who took 40,000 ecstasy pills in nine years of time duration.
Normal cells grow to a certain limit and stop and that’s it. They stop growing when they reach a certain limit. But cancer cells are known for their replicating capabilities. Cancer cells are known to be “immortal”. A new study by University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences department, reveals the reason for their immortality. This new research sheds light on how a mutated gene plays the “behind the scenes” role.
New research has suggested that lack of vitamin D can lead to early death. Vitamin D is responsible for calcium, phosphate regulation in the body that keep our bones and muscles healthy. People with regular exposure to sun, which is the easiest source of vitamin D, have lower risk of dying earlier than those with low exposure to sun.
For many years now, supporters of cannabis have been trying to lobby for the use of it for pain medicine. But a new study states that cannabis use actually increases pain after surgery and can lead to more opioid use.