
NASA Failed To Detect A Dangerous Asteroid For Days

NASA failed to detect an asteroid that was bigger than a 20-story building, just two ago. NASA’s monitoring systems couldn’t grab the trajectory of the asteroid called the 2023 NT1. The space agency came to know about the asteroid on 15 July, two days after it had already sailed past earth.

Scientists Say Earth Safe From Large Asteroids For 1000 Years

After a thorough examination of asteroids that come close to earth, astronomers have concluded that the likelihood of Earth being impacted by large asteroids is highly unlikely within the next 1,000 years. Scientists didn’t rule out the probability of smaller asteroids hitting the earth, but a larger one is highly unlikely, they said.

Asteroid Enters Earth Atmosphere Lighting Up The Sky

An asteroid was seen entering the earth’s atmosphere that could have disappeared somewhere in the French city of Rouen. Scientists predicted the asteroid a day before it hit the earth’s atmosphere.  The 1-meter-sized asteroid showed the “fireball” effect as was shown in several videos uploaded online.

NASA Warns Of 400 Feet Asteroid Heading Towards Earth

Asteroids are normal as our earth moves around in space. The moment an asteroid comes in contact with earth’s atmosphere, it tends to melt away, due to friction. But NASA has claimed to have detected an asteroid heading towards earth on Christmas day. As you read, an asteroid is advancing towards earth with the speed of 25,028 km/h.

Asteroids Big Enough To Destroy Earth Detected

Three asteroids have been found in close proximity to Earth, two of which are potentially dangerous and huge enough to be “planet killers,” but don’t worry, says a NASA specialist, they aren’t likely to harm us.

The Largest Asteroid EVER Is Going To Pass Through EARTH’s Orbit

According to NASA’s database for near-earth objects, a ‘potentially hazardous’ asteroid that’s more than a mile-long is headed our way and makes its closest pass by our planet in centuries on May 27, 2022. The nearest this rock will get to us is at 9:26 AM CST, Friday Morning. The asteroid is labeled ‘potentially hazardous’ because it is an Apollo asteroid meaning it crosses earth’s orbit.

Largest Comet Ever Detected On Way To Earth

A comet with a mass of 500 trillion tonnes and a width of 137 kilometers (85 miles) is coming our way at 35.405 kilometers per hour (22 miles per hour), according to NASA’s Hubble telescope.