Jaclyn Strauss

Jaclyn Strauss, CPA is a mid-level executive for a Fortune 100 company with multiple passions. She is the founder of her own company called My Macro Memoir and has become a leading efficiency expert by putting her skills and knowledge to work by creating a secure place for families to digitally organize themselves with the thinking done for them. Jaclyn leads with her heart in all that she does and has a passion to serve the greater good of her local community and beyond.
Magdalena Andersson

On 2nd Try, Swedes Elect 1st Female Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson

Magdalena Andersson, Sweden’s first female prime minister for a few hours before resigning because it became clear that her budget defeat would make another coalition partner quit? There was no way she would allow that to happen again. Magda was elected on Monday as head of government in the Nordic nation! Prime Minister Andersson was

Having Side Hustle Can Help You Save Money On Your Taxes

These days you can’t have all of your eggs in one basket when it comes to sources of income. It is almost becoming the norm to have a side hustle as it allows for a fallback opportunity if your primary source of income unexpectedly disappears. It also allows for more financial freedom when you have

Impacts Of Being a Perfectionist As A Small Business Owner

Most small business owners delay their progress and success because they are busy perfecting their techniques. Certainly, we all have different personality types but at the end of the day, we must check ourselves and make sure we just aren’t procrastinating by trying to make something perfect.  There are several learning opportunities for perfectionists as