Lisa Marie Platske

An award-winning leadership expert in human behavior, Lisa Marie Platske has received accolades from the White House, the United States Small Business Administration, and The International Alliance for Women, recognized as one of the top 100 women making a difference in the world. She left her Federal law enforcement career after 9/11 to be the CEO of an international leadership development company, Upside Thinking, Inc. Lisa Marie delivers presentations worldwide sharing research on how vulnerability and forgiveness are critical to exceptional leadership as well as her proven 7-step leadership model centered on connection, positioning, and executive presence. An international best-selling author in 5 countries, Lisa Marie has written or co-authored 7 books.

China Installs Floating Barrier To Stop Filipino Fishing Boats

To make the already strained relations worse amid already tense situation, China has installed a floating barrier to restrict the movement of Philippines fishing boats. The Philippines government strongly condemned the installation of the floating object, which it said is located in its territory.

Scientists Develop Human Embryo in A Lab Without Sperm Or Egg

We couldn’t have imagined an embryo developed without using sperm or egg to create it. Scientists were able to create a human embryo without using any of the ingredients required for it. The embryo successfully developed vital embryonic features such as egg yolk and placenta outside a human womb.

Chinese Tourists Have Accessed Sensitive US Military Sites

A report published by The Wall Street Journal mentioned that Chinese tourists have accessed sensitive military sites in the US. The Chinese tourists posed themselves as tourists, but the FBI thought they could be spies. The Chinese Embassy in Washington has rejected the accusations and said the US should abandon the Cold War mentality.

India To Put Chandrayaan-3 To Sleep After Successful Mission

The Indian space agency has put the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft to sleep after completing the mission successfully. After working for several days on the surface of the moon, the Chandrayaan-3 rover was able to collect enough data which will be sent back to earth.

Activist Traveled 300 Km On Jet Ski to Escape China

A Chinese activist has traveled 300 kilometers on a jet ski to escape his country. The man goes by the name Kwon Pyong, is believed to have been critical of the Chinese President Xi Jinping, as per the local media reports. The South Korean Coast Guard arrested the man for smuggling himself into the country, without disclosing his identity.

Cash, Cars And Homes Seized in $735M Singapore Raids

Singapore authorities have seized $735 worth of cars, homes and watches amid crackdown on money-laundering elements. The police also seized gold bars, wines and designer handbags worth $23 million from criminals holding multiple foreign passports.