Lisa Marie Platske

An award-winning leadership expert in human behavior, Lisa Marie Platske has received accolades from the White House, the United States Small Business Administration, and The International Alliance for Women, recognized as one of the top 100 women making a difference in the world. She left her Federal law enforcement career after 9/11 to be the CEO of an international leadership development company, Upside Thinking, Inc. Lisa Marie delivers presentations worldwide sharing research on how vulnerability and forgiveness are critical to exceptional leadership as well as her proven 7-step leadership model centered on connection, positioning, and executive presence. An international best-selling author in 5 countries, Lisa Marie has written or co-authored 7 books.

Potential of AI to Improve Cancer Care is Growing Rapidly

Artificial Intelligence has certainly been evolving rapidly with being deployed in almost every field of life. Researchers have not been able to investigate its impact on cancer care, which still remains an area of research. Amid all those concerns, the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress 2023 in Madrid is set to hold a 4-days session to unveil the potential of AI in cancer care.