Nikesh Chapagain

Senior Contributor
Nikesh Chapagain is a Texan native who has spent over five years as a journalist and political analyst. He graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas and has since been published by the Texas Observer, the Dallas Morning News, the Dallas Business Journal, and many other outlets. His first book is The People’s Candidate.
two Chinese athletes had embraced each other after a 100m hurdles race at the Asian Games

China Censors Image of Athletes Hugging Over Number

The Chinese government has censored the image of two athletes, hugging each other during the Asian games. The two Chinese female athletes named Lin Yuwei and Wu Yanni, unintentionally formed 64 when they hugged each other for celebration.

Suspect Opens Fire Near US Consulate in Saudi Arabia

A suspect was neutralized by Saudi security guards after he opened fire near the US consulate. The suspect, whose motives are still shrouded in mystery, stopped his car near the Us consulate in Jeddah and exchanged fire with the security guards, killing one security guard and injuring another.

Titanic Tourist Submarine Feared To Have Run Out Of Oxygen

While the search for the missing tourist submarine continues, officials are worried that the submarine may not have enough oxygen by now. The OceanGate Expeditions exploratory submarine called Titan went missing on June 18 and the rescue teams have not been able to locate its whereabouts after days of search.

Scientists Uncover Secret Corridor In Pyramid Of Giza

The Egyptian Pyramids of Giza are one of the biggest mysteries that scientists have been trying to solve. The 4,500 years old pyramids mark the greatness of Egyptian civilization and were the world’s first tallest objects on record. While uncovering the mystery of the Pyramids, scientists have uncovered a secret nine meters long corridor hinting at something remarkable. 

Tom Holland Leaves Social Media Due To Mental Health Reasons

In a video he posted hours back, Tom Holland reveals he is parting ways with social media due to mental health problems. Tom Holland, ‘Spider man’, says he is going to delete the Instagram app because it affects his mental health. ‘I’ve taken a break from social media for my mental health because I find Instagram and twitter to be overstimulating, to be overwhelming.’, He says in his latest video on his social media.