Scientists Found Remains of Buried Planet Deep Inside Earth

A groundbreaking study has found evidence to support the theory that an ancient planet crashed into our Earth and has been buried inside the planet.

Scientists were not sure where the majority of the debris went when they found some of it beneath Africa and the Pacific ocean.

The latest findings by NASA suggests those other traces were beneath the moon.

Importance Traces Found in Moon

The findings were published by NASA Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) spacecraft, which found traces of titanium-iron beneath the moon.

Previous research published by scientists revealed that a Mars sized planet is more likely to have crashed into Earth about 4.5 billion years ago.

The planet named Theia scattered into hot lava when it impacted the surface of the Earth, but old researches were silent about the other major chunk.

Geologists have observed significantly slower seismic activity in Earth’s regions where Theia crashed, suggesting denser material compared to Earth’s surrounding mantle.

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