More Than 800 UFOs Investigated, NASA Team Says

A group of scientists from NASA have revealed that they will have to look into more evidence to better understand the phenomenon of UFOs. The 16-members team was formed last year by NASA to investigate the possibility of UFOs independent of the Pentagon and US military. The panel said that more than 800 UFO reports were investigated but the agency required more data.

Astronomers Might Have Missed Something

The panel of scientists mentioned that astronomers might have missed many instances of UFOs because of the fact that astronomers could only detect objects around 100-200m in size. Avi Loeb, an astrophysicist who was leading the panel said that the tools NASA currently have may not be so accurate to spot UFOs, without rejecting the previous reports of the Pentagon.

NASA Requires Better Data

The panel concluded that the space agency required more and better data in order to come to a positive outcome. The team studying UAPs or the unidentified anomalous phenomena mentioned that they haven’t found life beyond Earth yet and they are still investigating the reported UFO sightings.

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