Scientists Claim Conservation is Slowing Biodiversity Loss

A comprehensive study published in Nature journal reveals that conservation efforts are effectively combating global biodiversity loss.

Over a decade, international researchers evaluated 665 conservation trials spanning various countries and species.

The analysis shows positive outcomes in two-thirds of cases, indicating a promising outlook for preserving wildlife and plants. 

Conservation Efforts Are Effective

The study underscores the critical impact of conservation actions headed by the scientific community around the world.

One really good example of such efforts is managing deforestation in the Congo Basin, which resulted in a significant 74% reduction in deforestation rates.

Other successes include doubling Least Tern breeding rates through predator management on Florida’s barrier islands.

Dr. Penny Langhammer, from environment charity Re:wild, emphasizes that conservation not only halts biodiversity decline but also yields substantial improvements when successful. 

Some Loopholes

Co-author of the study Dr Penny Langhammer urged a multidimensional approach towards conservation efforts.

She said, if unsuccessful, conservation efforts could benefit predators that will adversely impact the population of other species.

For example, creating marine protected areas for Australian seahorses inadvertently boosted predator populations.

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