Possible Trump VP Defends How She Shot Her Pet Dog

Kristi Noem, Donald Trump’s potential Vice President is facing criticism for killing her pet dog after she shared a story from her upcoming book.

Ms. Noem defended her position by saying that the decision to shoot her pet dog, named Cricket, wasn’t easy but “it had to be done”.

Although the memoir is scheduled to release in May, the story was published in the British newspaper, The Guardian.

Noem Defends Killing Her Dog

After receiving intense criticism from her democrat opponents, Ms. Neom claimed she is a pet lover but her pet dog was “dangerous” and had to be neutralized.

She said Pointer was dangerous that’s why she led it to a gravel pit and shot her to death.

The Guardian’s story also mentions the moment Noem killed a goat her family owned.

Ms. Noem said she shot down the goat because she was “nasty and mean” and would chase her kids, sometimes knocking them down.

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