Netflix Movie ‘Glass Onion’ Make $15 Million With Limited Release
The new movie ‘Glass Onion’ created by Netflix makes $15 million at the box office with a limited release to only 600 movie theaters.
The new movie ‘Glass Onion’ created by Netflix makes $15 million at the box office with a limited release to only 600 movie theaters.
On Friday, November 25, 2022, NASA Artemis I officially traveled further than any spacecraft that will carry humans by entering a distant retrograde orbit.
After a shocking loss against Saudi Arabia, many fans believed the heavily favorite Argentina soccer team was going to lose to Mexico and be eliminated from the World Cup tournament. But their superstar Lionel Messi saves the team with his 63rd-minute goal.
The way you have been charging your phone could be wrong and this could be hurting your battery. Software engineers and phone experts say that most people are making huge mistakes when it comes to charging their phones.
China is in the midst of chaos as the country’s leadership is facing a serious challenge from the protests that erupted all across the country in recent days. People all across several provinces called for freedom and called for an end to strict covid measures.
It’s astonishing to even imagine that just by speaking to one’s phone, one can predict the chances of heart failure. Predicting something that has not yet occurred is a milestone that can revolutionize the coming era of cardiology for the whole world. This app successfully predicted 82 percent of the heart incidents well before they could occur.