Research Study

NASA Space Station is Full of Chemicals, Study Says

 According to a recent research study, the NASA International Space Station is contaminated with harmful chemicals. The study which focused on dust collected by the air filtration system said the filters are filled with huge amounts of chemicals that are dangerous for humans.

Study Says 70% Teens Are Sleep Deprived Due To Social Media

A new report has shed light on the negative consequences of social media on teens, spending hours on social media every day. A study published in Sleep Health journal revealed that 70% teens in Europe and North America are sleep deprived because of social media.

Birds Are Getting Smaller Due To Climate Change, Study Finds

A new research study has revealed that the bodies of birds around the world are shrinking due to climate change. The study found out that although the bodies of birds are gradually getting smaller, their wings are growing, something the researchers found out specifically in the tiniest of the species.

Clouds Can Spread Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria, Study Finds

Bacteria have become increasingly resistant to antibiotics which is challenging Human’s capacity to cure related diseases. It has become the biggest threat to human food and health security, according to the World Health Organization. A new study has uncovered how clouds can play a role in spreading such bacteria.

Study Says AI Can Identify Alzheimer’s Through Speech

AI has been gradually integrated in every field of science, particularly in the medical field where scientists are using it to know malfunctions before it even occurs. According to the latest research, medical professionals are testing AI to identify signs of Alzheimer’s through speech patterns that are not recognized by family members or even physicians.

Study Discovers Link Between Obesity And Alzheimers

New research has uncovered a correlation between obesity and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers from the Canadian university of McGill found out that obesity degenerates the brain the same as Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists scanned and compared the brains of 1,300 people showing the same level of shrinkage.