Climate Control

Ice Melting Faster Than Expected In Greenland Due To Climate Change

A latest study in the Leading scientific journal, Nature, has published a report saying that Greenland Ice sheets are melting at a faster rate than ever. The report shows a horrible reality that the world is yet to see in the near future. The Greenland Ice sheets are going to melt at a much faster rate even if humans stop burning fossil fuels. Sea level can rise up to 27 cm which will have devastating consequences for billions of people living around coastal areas.

‘Megafloods’ could destroy California, Experts warn

Wildfires, extreme drought and earthquakes, due to climate change, may be the main concern for the Western Europe right now. But experts warn that a catastrophe is materializing in California, “Megafloods”. Extreme floods may submerge the largest subnational economy, displace millions of people across the state and will be the most expensive natural disaster in the history, according to a latest study.