
Study Discovers Link Between Obesity And Alzheimers

New research has uncovered a correlation between obesity and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers from the Canadian university of McGill found out that obesity degenerates the brain the same as Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists scanned and compared the brains of 1,300 people showing the same level of shrinkage. 

Air Pollution Can Change Brain Structure In Just 2 Hours

A research study revealed that air pollution, especially car fumes can significantly change brain structure. An exposure of just 2 hours can reduce the portion of the brain responsible for internal thought processes and memory, the study finds. Brain imaging was conducted prior and the exposure to air pollution showed decreased brain connectivity, as seen in the scans taken after.

New App Improves Memory Recall For Alzheimer Patients

The experts in memory and neuroscience have developed an application that can enhance memory recall. The application is guided by neuroscience and is based on real brain functions that help in memory recall. It mimics a specific part of the human brain responsible for recording and preserving memories.

Autopsies Shows Covid Stays In Human Brain For Months

Covid-19 can linger in the human brain and other body parts, for months. The autopsy of the brains of those who died from the virus showed signs of prolonged covid. Previously it was not known whether the virus can infect other parts of the human body. The new study was conducted between April 2020 to March 2021.

Study Shows Antidepressants Can Damage Mental Health

A latest study reveals that antidepressant medications can alter the structure of the human brain. It has discovered that the medications aimed at developing human mental health can have adverse effects on the Gray and White matter inside the brain.