White House

Cocaine Found in White House Sparks Investigation

Investigation is currently underway after suspected cocaine was found in the White House on Sunday. The US secret services confirmed that the substance was cocaine, and it was found in the West Wing of the White House. The West Wing contains the oval office, the situation room and some other key areas where the presidential staff works.

Biden Awkwardly Ends Gun Speech With “God Save The Queen”

The US President Joe Biden was laughed at on social media after he, out of nowhere, ended his speech about gun safety with “God save the Queen man!”. The statement caused confusion online as to what Biden actually meant by saying something so awkward to an audience at National Safer Communities Summit.

Ex-President Jimmy Carter Begins Hospice Care

The former US president has started to receive hospice care at home. The 98-year-old former president has been suffering from multiple health issues such as melanoma, due to which he spent several hospital stays. Jimmy Carter served as the US president from January 1977 to January 1981. 

Biden Wants Putin To Resign Immediately

President Joe Biden stated on Saturday that Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power,” increasing international pressure and unifying NATO allies against Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.