machine learning

Study Says AI Can Identify Alzheimer’s Through Speech

AI has been gradually integrated in every field of science, particularly in the medical field where scientists are using it to know malfunctions before it even occurs. According to the latest research, medical professionals are testing AI to identify signs of Alzheimer’s through speech patterns that are not recognized by family members or even physicians.

Scientists Are Now Using Human Brain To Develop Biocomputers

Scientists are improvising to use the human brain to develop biocomputers. The objective is to use human brains in order to create biological hardware to serve humanity in the long run. With revolutionary advancements in AI, scientists are concerned about the diminishing extraordinary role the human brain can play in storing information and problem-solving.

Scientists Using AI To Predict Dementia

Researchers from two well-known research institutes, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS) and University of Leipzig Medical Center, have used the latest AI technology to detect rare forms of dementia. The conditions included Alzheimer’s disease and many other conditions that primarily affect language and activities of motor neurons.

Artificial Intelligence Could Manipulate Human Behavior

There has been a lot of debate recently over artificial intelligence (AI) being used to determine and detect human emotions. Some say that, when utilized correctly, such software may assist teachers, caretakers, and even salesmen perform a better job.