Chinese government

Florida Suspends 4 Schools’ Scholarships Over Ties To China

Florida has suspended four schools from scholarship funds for having ties to the Chinese government. The decision to withdraw support to the schools is a part of Governor Ron DeSantis’ anti-China policies which, according to him, poses a security threat.

Joe Biden Says Relations With China Set To Improve

US President Joe Biden has hinted at improvement in relationship with China in the meeting of seven biggest liberal economies. In the G-7 summit, Biden responded to a question saying that Relations with China were expected to improve but due to the spy balloon incidents, things couldn’t go any further and everything fell apart.

US Suspects Chinese Port Cranes Of Spying

US officials have raised concerns about the Chinese cranes operating at US ports. Officials in the US are suspecting the Chinese-made cranes of spying for the Chinese government. Pentagon has compared the Chinese cranes to a Trojan horse, spying over the in and out shipments of the US.

Chinese Tech Billionaire Bao Fan Gone Missing

The famous Chinese billionaire Bao Fan has gone missing. His company, China Renaissance Holdings Limited, has not been able to contact its founder, according to the statement released by the company. Although no official investigative statement has surfaced, his arrest could be the continuity of the Chinese government’s crackdown on finance and tech figures.