Florida Suspends 4 Schools’ Scholarships Over Ties To China

Florida has suspended four schools from scholarship funds for having ties to the Chinese government. The decision to withdraw support to the schools is a part of Governor Ron DeSantis’ anti-China policies which, according to him, poses a security threat.

American Schools Have Ties To China

As per the Florida’s Department of Education, Parke House Academy in Winter Park, Lower and Upper Sagemont Preparatory Schools in Weston, and Park Maitland School in Winter Park, have ties to the Chinese Communist Party. The governor’s office said the ties “constitute an imminent threat to the health, safety, and welfare” of students.

Schools Reject The Accusations

In response, the four schools have categorically rejected having ties to the Chinese government. “Our schools are locally run, abide by local, state and federal laws, and do not have ties to any government or political party”, Sagemont Preparatory School said. School officials said they were not even contacted when the funds were suspended.

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