Joe Biden Says Relations With China Set To Improve

US President Joe Biden has hinted at improvement in relationship with China in the meeting of seven biggest liberal economies. In the G-7 summit, Biden responded to a question saying that Relations with China were expected to improve but due to the spy balloon incidents, things couldn’t go any further and everything fell apart.

De-Risk And Diversify

Joe Biden called for an open hotline with the Chinese government as he hinted at speaking to the Chinese President soon. Biden told reporters after the G-7 summit that the goal is not to decouple from China but rather to de-risk and diversify the relationship with China.

An Open Hotline

President Joe Biden also said that he told the Chinese President Xi Jinping in the G-20 summit last year that the communication pathways should be open in order to reduce confrontation and increase cooperation. But after the incident of “silly balloon that was carrying two freight cars worth of spying equipment” everything fell apart, he said.

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