Australia news

Man Asked To Compensate Police After Fake Kidnapping

An Australian man who faked kidnapping has been asked to compensate the police. The man named Paul Iera faked his own kidnapping on the New Year’s Eve when he wanted to spend the night with another woman instead of his partner. The Wollongong court ordered Iera to pay $10,334 to the police for investigation expenses.

95-year-old Woman Tasered By Australian Police Dies

 A 95-year-old woman who was tasered by the Australian police has died. Clare Nowland was seriously injured when one of the New South Wales Police officers arrived at the care home, and one of them tasered her to the ground. The incident created an intense environment where the local population was outraged at the lack of empathy of the police officers involved in the incident. 

Australian Police Officer Tasered 95-Year-Old Woman

The police department has initiated an inquiry into a police officer who fired a Taser at a 95-year-old woman in New South Wales, Australia. The police officers were called off and an investigation was set into motion to inquire about what had really happened.

Woman Arrested Carrying Golden Gun In Luggage In Sydney

Australian authorities have arrested a US woman carrying a gold-plated pistol in her luggage. Woman travelled from Sydney from Los Angeles and the scanning machine identified an unauthorized firearm in her luggage. Photos of the 24-carat gold-plated pistol were released by the Australian Border Force showed the photo of the firearm.