Australian Police Officer Tasered 95-Year-Old Woman

The police department has initiated an inquiry into a police officer who fired a Taser at a 95-year-old woman in New South Wales, Australia. The police officers were called off and an investigation was set into motion to inquire about what had really happened.

Nowland Had A Knife

Clare Nowland, a 95-year-old woman was found with a knife in her hand after two police officers received a call from the nursing home Wednesday. Norland, who is 5-foot-2 and 95 pounds, was told to drop the knife but she didn’t after which the police officers tasered her, which caused her head injuries as he dropped on the floor.

Community is Shocked

The community was shocked to hear about the news that a 95-year-old dementia patient was tasered by a police officer, raising questions if the police officers were motivated by something else. NSW assistant police commissioner Peter Cotter said that they were “concerned about the matter” and doing everything to investigate the situation.

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