
Earth’s Core May Have Started Spinning In Reverse

A recent research study has indicated that the earth’s inner core may have started spinning in the opposite direction. The nature of spinning has been a matter of debate among scientists for decades. The research mentioned that in the inner core of the earth, there exists a hot iron ball-like structure, more like the planet Pluto, that either may have stopped spinning or have started spinning in the opposite direction.

Dead NASA Satellite Will Crash To Earth Tomorrow

An old dead NASA satellite will return back to earth tomorrow night after spending almost four decades in space. The 5,400-pound satellite will crash its home planet from where it took off in 1984. The satellite was sent to space to study how earth absorbs and radiates solar energy.

Astronomers Discovered 200+ New Planets In 2022

In 2020 alone, Astronomers have managed to discover more than 200 new planets. All the newly discovered planets are outside of our solar system. The search for a planet similar to Earth has been underway for decades, although methods and technology for planet discovery have been evolving with time.

NASA Warns Of 400 Feet Asteroid Heading Towards Earth

Asteroids are normal as our earth moves around in space. The moment an asteroid comes in contact with earth’s atmosphere, it tends to melt away, due to friction. But NASA has claimed to have detected an asteroid heading towards earth on Christmas day. As you read, an asteroid is advancing towards earth with the speed of 25,028 km/h.

NASA Mars Insight Lander About To Turn Off

After spending four years on the surface of the Red planet, NASA’s Mars insight lander is about to turn off. The amount of dust covering the lander’s solar panels has been causing its power levels to decrease for the past several months. Although NASA previously warned that InSight was not responding properly as it couldn’t respond to signals from Earth.

Climate Change Will Accelerate Conflicts In 2023

A report shows that climate change may further increase the humanitarian crisis around the world in 2023. Issues like armed conflict and economic downturns will spiral further, if not timely controlled by international actors. The report has not only focused on the natural aspect of climate change but also includes social and political aspects.

Scientist Proposes Plan To Grow Forests On Mars

Mars or “The Red Planet” has always caught the attention of space explorers. Humans have been thinking of colonizing and building permanent settlements on Mars for decades. The crucial part comes when the Martian surface emerges as a topic of discussion. The planet is barren and inhospitable due to its climate, but the new research outlines a plan to build forests on Mars.

James Webb Space Telescope Has Found The Oldest Galaxy

Four ancient galaxies discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope in the first few months of operation have been confirmed by astronomers to be the oldest galaxies ever discovered by mankind and to be almost as old as the cosmos itself.

Construction Of Largest Telescope In The World Underway

Construction for the world’s largest radio-astronomy observatory is underway. The largest telescope will be constructed over vast areas in Australia and Africa. It will gather radio signals generated by celestial objects to provide answers to some of astronomy’s most puzzling questions.

Scientists Are Trying to Create Male Contraceptives

Recent research has revealed that scientists are trying to create male contraceptives. Birth control and Contraceptives has mostly revolved around women, with men mostly excluded from the discussion. But the hunt is on, for male contraceptives, as evident from the recent study.