Arpan Neupane

Arpan Neupane is a programmer who develops primarily web applications. Some of his hobbies include writing blogs, playing music, and programming applications.

Scientists Stunned As Mars Rover Finds Yellowish-Green Crystals

Scientists were stunned to find pure sulfur on the surface on Mars with the help of a Curiosity rover. NASA’s Curiosity rover discovered sulfur in its purest form for the first time, although it was only found previously in a mixture. NASA’s scientists said the rover accidently drove over a rock and cracked it open,

Japanese Government Asks Youth To Have Children Amid Population Crisis

Amid a crumbling population, the Japanese government has started an initiative to ask the youth about marriage and reasons for rejecting the idea. Japan’s population crisis has worsened in the last two decades as more people and more people are rejecting the idea of marriage due to financial woes. According to the surveys conducted by

US Vice President Kamala Harris Uses ‘F Word’ To Motivate Students

The Vice President of the US Kamala Harris accidently used the F-word while delivering a speech at the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies. Harris’s remark came as she was describing the importance of breaking down barriers and being the first to do it.  What Did Kamala Actually Say? Speaking at the APAICS summit,