US is Investigating Intelligence Leak of Israel’s Plan To Attack Iran

The United States is investigating an apparent intelligence leak of two documents that revealed Israel’s plan to attack Iran.

The leaks were first published by a pro-Iranian Telegram account and come at a sensitive time when Israel is planning to retaliate to Iran’s 200 ballistic missiles that it fired weeks ago.

As per reports, The US House Speaker Mike Jhonson labeled the leak as “serious” for containing sensitive information that should not have been disclosed. 

What Are The Leaks About?

The leaked documents, which were published on an Iranian-aligned Telegram account, reportedly contain satellite imagery of Israeli military preparing for strike.

The documents, marked as top secret, were attributed to the U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency (NSA).

The documents also contain Israel Air Force preparedness for a possible air-to-surface missile attack on Iran after refueling fighter jets in the air.

US officials told the Associated Press that the Pentagon is investigating how the information was leaked to Telegram.

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