Juicy Leaked Audio Shows Trump Discussing Picks For VP

A leaked audio obtained by Axios reveals Donald Trump discussing his potential Vice President’ with Republican donors and other candidates for the slot.

The audio sheds light on who Trump thinks could become the Vice President under his tenure, but he hasn’t decided anything yet.

He mentions multiple names including Elise Stefanik, Marco Rubio, Byron Donalds and Kristi Noem. 

Vivek Ramaswamy Not Mentioned

One interesting thing to note is that Mr. Trump didn’t mention the name of Vivek Ramaswamy, an entrepreneur and former 2024 presidential candidate, despite attending the important dinner event.

According to the report, the high-profile GOP event took place in Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on Saturday, but the man behind the leak has not been confirmed. 

Kristi Noem

One name that continuously popped up during the audio was Kristi Noem, South Dakota governor.

It seemed like killing her pet dog didn’t sway Trump away from choosing her as his VP as she got a shoutout from the former President at lunch on Sunday.

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