Biden Imposes Strict Regulations on Car Sales To Boost Electric Cars

President Joe Biden has introduced the strictest regulation on vehicle emissions ever in the US to push the auto industry towards electric cars.

The new regulations aim to make 56% of new vehicles sold by 2032 electric, a substantial increase as compared to previous years.

7 Billion Tonnes of CO2

This regulation, announced Wednesday, is projected to prevent 7 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions over three decades, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

Car manufacturers not meeting these standards will face hefty fines, although they can still produce petrol cars, if they are made in lower proportions.

Environmental groups largely support the measure, though some critics wish for stronger action.

Critics Disagree

Critics argue that the cost of electric cars, averaging $53,500, exceeds the affordability of many Americans, with the average annual salary around $59,000.

Republican leaders, including the Speaker of the House, condemn the policy as overly restrictive and damaging to the auto industry.

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