Sea Conservationists Apologized After Seeing 78 Whales Dying

Marine conservationists were among passengers onboard a cruise ship who witnessed the brutal killing of 78 whales recently. Last week, Ambassador Cruise Line, a British cruise ship operator, issued an apology on Twitter as their passengers observed the distressing scene of Faroe Islands residents slaughtering wild dolphins.

Centuries Old Tradition

A group of 78 long-finned pilot whales, which belong to the family of oceanic dolphins, were tragically slaughtered as part of centuries-old mass hunting whale tradition. Ocean Research & Conservation Association, in a statement, mentioned that a number of its conservationists happened to be present on a ship alongside tourists at the time of the killings.

Seventy-eight pilot whales were killed by Faroese locals.

Whales Were Slaughtered Within 20 Minutes

ORCA said in a statement that it took 20 minutes to slaughter all 78 whales that were captured via small boats. Approximately 800 whales are hunted and killed each year and the meat is distributed among participants, according to Visit Faroe Islands.

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