Huge Spot 7 Times Bigger Than Size of Earth Appears On Sun

A huge sunspot seven times bigger than the earth is currently visible to the naked eye. The sunspot named AR3354 first appeared on 26 July and is expected to vanish on 2 July, Sunday. The sunspot wasn’t that massive when it first appeared, but has got bigger in the last few days, reported.

Skywatchers Advised To Protect Eyes

Looking at the sunspots can cause serious damage to the eyes therefore people are advised to protect their eyes by wearing a pair of solar glasses or eclipse glasses. Sunspots are credited to strong electromagnetic activity that releases tremendous amounts of energy that can cause internet and radio blackouts.

Sunspot Are Caused By Strong Electromagnetic Activity On The Sun

Eruptions Could Affect Earth

The sunspot is slowly turning towards earth, that’s why the effects of the eruptions are expected to affect our planet. The effect is a complete radio blackout for a brief time on the polar regions, as the flares are medium, the European Space Agency’s website.

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